Beginning on April 8th, SMIL will be offering appointment-only X-rays. Click to learn more.

Effective July 11th, 2024, SMIL is no longer contracted with United Healthcare. Click to learn more.

Benefits and Risks – Cystogram


  • This examination will help your doctor to make a correct diagnosis or decision about your treatment.
  • A cystogram can help determine the cause of repeated urinary tract infections or urinary incontinence.
  • The cystogram can look for structural problems of the bladder or if there has been injury to the bladder.
  • No radiation remains in a patient's body after an x-ray examination.
  • X-rays usually have no side effects in the typical diagnostic range for this exam.


  • There is always a slight chance of cancer from excessive exposure to radiation. However, the benefit of an accurate diagnosis far outweighs the risk.
  • There is some risk of infection from the catheter.
  • The amount of radiation exposure is similar to that of other x-rays.
  • Women should always inform their physician or x-ray technologist if there is any possibility that they are pregnant.

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